The more people you talk to, the more you discover the variety of ways that people can earn supplemental income. From selling products on Etsy to helping with customer service, there are many ways you can earn some extra income. With the digital world continually expanding, it also means that remote work is more accessible than ever. You can take advantage of this developing trend by looking at part-time remote gigs.
The Emerging Gig Economy
The gig economy has become quite a point of discussion in the past couple of years as more and more people work from home and look for part-time supplemental income. For the most part, “gigs” refer to temporary or part-time positions that a contractor would fulfill.
For instance, you could work as a freelance writer, website designer, transcriptionist, virtual assistant, graphic designer and more. A company may hire you to help with a project or ongoing work. Most people are drawn to the gig economy thanks to its flexibility. In many cases, you can work however much you like and whenever you like. Your office can be at home, a coffee shop, a co-working space or even a beach (with Wi-Fi of course).
Many see gigs as fun part-time jobs, but there are details to keep in mind—one of the biggest being that gigs are usually temporary. Gigs are often only for a short amount of time, and you must continue to search for new gigs and opportunities to maintain your income. This process can command a great deal of effort as you try to keep up with the so-called “hustle culture”, especially if you already have a full-time position on top of the gig.
Traveling Part-Time Remote Gigs
Are you hooked on traveling? There are many ways you can find a part-time opportunity that offers the same flexibility as a remote gig – allowing you to travel. These differ from gigs as you work more closely with a company and can expect a higher level of consistency from them.
If you love exploring the world, you may wonder how to travel and work remotely. Rather than relying on a gig like travel writing or photography, keep an eye out for part-time travel agent jobs.
Be Your Own Boss as a Dream Vacations Advisor
You can make money selling vacations as a travel advisor! At Dream Vacations, all advisors get expert support from our team at headquarters and from the entire Dream Vacations “travel tribe.” You can join with any level of experience in the travel industry – we’ll provide you with training and marketing support to help you work from home to sell cruises, resort getaways, breathtaking adventures, family vacations and more. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to access discounted travel for yourself!
Like a gig, you get all the flexibility of deciding when you work and how much work you want to take on. You can work from home or travel the world while selling vacations. You’ll obtain all these benefits alongside the support that comes from working with one of the key players in the travel industry – Dream Vacations. Sign up for our free webinar today if you’re ready to start traveling, earn extra income and join a network of fellow travel enthusiasts! Becoming a Dream Vacations Advisor might be just the part-time remote gigs you’re looking for!